I had the need today to do a quick audit of Active Directory and see where it was at for a client. Not just the norm like dcdiag.exe, repadmin and checking the Event Viewer to see if there were any issues but also how many administrators there are, who is disabled (if any as I had my doubts) and the last last login for each user. PowerShell to the rescue. 

if ((Get-Module -Name ActiveDirectory) -eq $nul) { Import-Module ActiveDirectory }

$admins = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Administrators" -Recursive
$admins += Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recursive
$admins += Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Enterprise Admins" -Recursive

Write-Host "Administrative accounts" -ForegroundColor Green
foreach ($admin in ($admins | Sort-Object -Property sAMAccountName -Unique)) { if ($admin.objectClass -eq "user") {Write-Host $admin.sAMAccountName} }

Write-Host "Disabled users" -ForegroundColor Green
foreach ($user in (Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $false} | Sort-Object -Property sAMAccountName)) { Write-Host $user.sAMAccountName }

# I'd STRONGLY recommend using the -SearchBase parameter to reduce query load if at all possible
Write-Host "Last logon times (UTC)" -ForegroundColor Green
foreach ($user in (Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property lastLogonTimestamp | Sort-Object -Property sAMAccountName)) { if ($user.lastLogonTimestamp -eq $null) {$dt = ''} else { $dt = [datetime]$user.lastLogonTimestamp }; Write-Output($user.sAMAccountName +","+ $dt) | Write-Host }

By Trent Steenholdt

I have developed an in-depth skill set for Microsoft technologies throughout my IT career, and I enjoy sharing my experiences through writing and sharing my story. My personal blog is an opportunity for me to discuss IT and other topics that I find enjoyable. I hope that my experiences and knowledge will be of assistance to others who are interested in these subjects.