It seems that a lot of my posts recently have been around AD group membership and I guess that makes sense as for the past few weeks I have been mostly cleaning up a lot of the mistakes by other IT professionals for my new clients. Alas it's coming a long way with PowerShell.

This script is very simple but a goody. It copies the group memberships of one user and gives it to another. 

  [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, mandatory=$true)][string]$SourceUser,
  [parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, mandatory=$true)][string]$DestinationUser

Import-Module ActiveDirectory;

$originalErrAction = $ErrorActionPreference;
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";

$groups = (Get-ADUser -Identity $SourceUser -Properties MemberOf).MemberOf;

foreach ($group in $groups) {
  Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $DestinationUser;

$ErrorActionPreference = $originalErrAction;

Save this as Copy-ADGroups.ps1 or something similar and call is by running .\Copy-ADGroups.ps1 $SourceUser $DestinationUser where the $value is replaced with the AD user idenity. E.g. "Trent Steenholdt".

By Trent Steenholdt

I have developed an in-depth skill set for Microsoft technologies throughout my IT career, and I enjoy sharing my experiences through writing and sharing my story. My personal blog is an opportunity for me to discuss IT and other topics that I find enjoyable. I hope that my experiences and knowledge will be of assistance to others who are interested in these subjects.